Body Sense magazine-Winter 2011

Several items of interest in understanding how your body responds to injury and how healing takes place. Great info to read. Enjoy, and to those of you who live close enough…give me a call to schedule your appointment.

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1-11-2012 Old Home Remedies (O.H.R.) Nausea/Vomiting/Diahrhea

I’ve been thinking about what home remedies I’ve used over the years and remembered two “home remedies” my late M-i-L had me try during the first year of my marriage to her youngest son. These were shared with me on two different occasions and they both worked. I have rarely used them over the 39 years of my marriage, but I have used them both several times with complete success.

I imagine I probably need to include some sort of disclaimer (not sure why other than maybe for legal purposes) so…with these being what they are and the fact that I am not a doctor I can’t suggest you try them. If you choose to try either of these it is at your own risk. (Hope that suffices as a disclaimer.)

For diarrhea:

She blackened (burned) about a third to a half cup of flour in a dry cast iron skillet. Then she put about six ounces of milk in a glass, added a couple of tablespoons of flour and a scant tablespoon of sugar and stirred it up. The consistency was thinner than a milk shake but thicker than just milk. She had me drink it down (it didn’t taste as bad as I’d feared it would) and sure enough…my bowel movements went back to normal. (Again, try at your own risk. I don’t know if it’ll work for everyone every time, but on the few occasions I’ve used it, it worked for me.

For nausea/vomiting:

Once again, she used a glass and mixed in, ( about 50-50), milk and Vernor’s GingerAle with the instruction to drink it all. I am not a fan of GingerAle and the concoction looked disgusting. The very idea of drinking it was nearly more than my stomach could handle. But, I was raised to respect my elders, so….bottoms up. It was actually very tasty and quite soothing (not at all what I was expecting) and perhaps most importantly…It worked! No more nausea and no more vomiting. I’ve only used it a few times over the years, but it has never failed me.

I can’t say that it’ll work for everyone every time and if you try it, remember that you do so at your own risk.

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Day 8 — Whole Living — Whole Living Challenge of the Day

Like I said before, I set myself up to get sick by pushing too hard to get all the Christmas stuff ready in time for the day…the following link has some good info.


Whole Living — Whole Living Challenge of the Day.

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Winter In Michigan


I think this is the first time there’s been so little snow on January 7th in the half century I’ve lived here.

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Day 7 (missed day 6…)

Good thing I’m working to overcome my perfectionistic tendencies since I managed to already miss a whole day. 🙂

Day 10 of my being sick and I actually slept all night last night…still have some residual coughing, but nothing like it was…I am well! (or nearly so 🙂 )

Health. We really do take it for granted. When we feel good, we often feel as if the world is our oyster, we are invincible…but how many of us do what we need to do to maintain that good health into the future?

I thought I was doing really well for 10 months of the year…then the holidays hit…it only took one month to undermine my health, overwhelm my immune system and become too sick to work. From this, I can only gather that 10 months of good only sets me up for two weeks of abuse…pushing it to four was my downfall.

By abuse, I mean fast foods, quick & easy meals (pre-packaged), coffee instead of water, and only getting 3-4 hours of sleep all at the same time as allowing (maybe even creating) stress – the stress of not having the holiday things done in time for the proper holiday. Somehow the Christmas tree just doesn’t have the same impact on St. Patrick’s day

There is an overwhelming amount of information available about how to get and maintain health…but let’f face it…many people don’t have time (or energy?) to get to the gym; many more don’t have the means to hire a personal trainer; there are more “diets” than grains of sand on Lake Michigan (well, that may be a bit of exaggeration); so where does one start? How much do you have to read to find what’s gong to really work for you?

I hope to find out those answers. I hope someone will start reading and commenting with relevant information on this blog…hope springs eternal 🙂

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Day 5 –

Still sick. Eight days now…should be over it soon even though my D.I.L. who had it first said she had it a full two weeks…I’m going to have to find my ruby slippers and start clicking my heels together because I can’t afford to be sick for another week.

Was advised last night to try a teaspoon of honey to coat my throat and stop the cough…it didn’t work. So, if anyone out there reading this has had success with that home remedy, please let me know. This may be some strain that is immune to honey 😉

Other than that, too sick to read much so I have nothing new to post tonight…

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Home Remedies & Dr. Oz

Yesterday I was speaking with my faerieGodmother. telling her that I was hoping this blog would lead to people posting the “tried-and-true” home remedies that they and their families have always used. Many of those home remedies really work and are made with the things most of us have in our kitchens. My thought was that it would be nice to have them all in once place and saved for posterity. Then she told me she’d watched Dr. Oz the day before and he said that many of the old home remedies do work and he explained why…he also thought having them all in one place would be a good idea. So, while I don’t have the “pull” Dr. Oz has, I’m still hoping that some of you will post what’s worked for you and yours here. If Dr. Oz begins an encyclopedia of “home remedies” I’ll be happy to send them on to him.

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2012 – Day 4 – gratitude

The coughing woke me up just before 3 AM. My chest hurts, my ribs hurt, my nose is raw, I’m tired, so very, very tired. The main refrain that runs through my mind is “sleep, I just wanna sleep for a straight eight hours.”

Then, after using the bathroom and having a cup of coffee (thinking maybe normalcy would “fake out” the cough) it dawns on me…..

How grateful do I need to be that this short lived (7-10 days) cold is the worst thing I’ve had to suffer through since last February? There are so many people with devastating illnesses in the world, how can I feel sorry for myself (and believe me, this morning – I do) when this is such a minor blip in the 20,000+ days of my life?

We who have good health take it for granted. Until we get sick. Then we moan and groan and generally feel sorry for ourselves and try to think of what we’ll accomplish once we feel good again. But what about those people who aren’t going to ever feel normal again because they are forced into a new normal? Do we ever think about them when we are healthy? I mean r e a l l y think about them.

My nature is generally one of compassion, of trying to put myself in other peoples shoes. Still, it dawned on me this morning that I rarely ever truly put myself in the shoes of someone who has a devastating illness…yes, I feel sorry for them, I might even shed a tear or two for their plight, but until this morning, I don’t think I’ve ever really, truly, thought about how difficult everyday life might be for someone else or how fortunate I am.

This cold is miserable, but it will be gone in a few more days and I will be back to normal, feeling good, sleeping all night, and working again. There are so many others who won’t.

Do we owe it to them (and/or to ourselves) to do all we can to keep ourselves as healthy as possible?

I think maybe we do. What would that look like for you?

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Day 3: What do you do when you’re sick?

Well, usually I try to keep going. When I’m too sick to do that, I retreat to bed…but…when you cough when you lay down that gets old real fast. So, instead, I’ve been lounging on the love seat, knitting, while the TV runs in the background (countless repeats for the most part).

However, today I watched a new commercial (well, perhaps it’s only new to me) about some “white strips” to whiten your teeth “just like the dentist does”. The commercial actually stated that the chemicals go under (or maybe it was through) your enamel to whiten your teeth!

Wow! For over 40 years I’ve been told that you need to protect your tooth enamel at all costs because it is irreplaceable. So, how can anyone sell a product that goes through your tooth enamel? How can a product go through your tooth enamel to whiten your teeth without damaging the enamel? Doesn’t that seem like it’s bound to create huge dental problems down the road?

Do the CEO’s of this company have stock in the companies that make all the dental tools and supplies that’ll be needed to repair teeth that have damaged enamel? In thinking about this I had to think about the price of fillings, a “crown” the last I knew was right around $1,000 and the dentist damages the teeth next to the bad one in order to attach the crown! What kind of treatment is that? Damage (actually, destroy) two perfectly good teeth in the name of saving one bad one? That just doesn’t seem right to me. And up the ladder in price are “partials”, “implants” and dentures…

How white do you need your teeth to be? According to the worlds artists, the rule of thumb in portraiture is that the teeth and the whites of the eyes should match. I’m thinking that before any of us run out and put this bleaching agent in our mouths, perhaps we should look in the mirror and see if our teeth and the whites of our eyes match. If they do….perhaps forego the potential for permanent damage to your teeth. (And what the tissues in your mouth are absorbing of those chemicals and the impact that has on your liver and such is…well, very long and will be in a later post.)

Any thoughts? Any true knowledge? Any valid answers to my questions? Anyone out there with some comments, please feel free to leave your feedback. Just remember to keep it “clean” and tasteful. This blog is about being healthy, finding roads that bring us to health, and sharing the knowledge and experience we have. Thanks.

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Day 2 – Humble Pie

Well, it has been very cold and windy with blowing snow and from reports, slippery road conditions. Still being sick with this nasty bug, I got to stay in and watch if through the window.

Illness. There are those who believe that we create our own reality. That what we think and feel today creates our tomorrow(s). I’ve been thinking about that a lot the past few days as I wonder “why me?” when I’m coughing, trying not to throw up, holding a pillow or something to my ribs because they ache so bad from all the coughing. With all the time on my hands my retrospective leads me to believe they may really have something.

The two weeks before Christmas I went without proper sleep trying to finish Christmas projects, I didn’t take time to prepare healthy meals, but rather resorted to quick foods (yes, often prepackaged) and took many shortcuts that are not healthful. I gave in to the stress of “holiday” time and did all the things I warn my clients against. Too little sleep; fast foods; too much coffee & not enough water; etc.

Perhaps being a health care professional I believed, deep-down, that I was immune? Maybe I just didn’t believe it would “get me”? I’m not sure what the rationale was but the lesson was well taught…I am not immune. I am subject to all the same health variables and risks that my clients are. From here on in I must take the advice I dish out.

I am really glad now that I have some wonderful butterscotch sauce to put on my humble pie 😉

As I begin my recovery back to the world of the healthy, I’m going to look at some of the things we do (yes, we…I know I’m not alone in this) that actually sabotage our efforts at being healthy. Perhaps we’ll be able to look at some of the excuses we make and who knows…maybe we’ll even get at some of the core issues that keep us from truly embracing health.

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